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VI. Management verifications

This guidance is for National Control bodies and Controllers .

Guidance to perform management verifications in Jems.

This guidance contains key technical information on the use of Jems for national control bodies responsible for management verifications of the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA 2021-2027).

This guidance contains key technical information on the use of the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (Jems) for national control bodies responsible for management verifications of the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA 2021-2027).

Reports and certifications related to the implementation of contracted projects in the framework of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA) can exclusively be submitted via Jems. It is therefore highly recommended to read this document carefully before starting to use Jems.

This technical guidance on the Jems complements the information provided in the Programme Manual - .

The Interreg NPA Jems system is available at this link:

This guidance is updated after the release of the each version of Jems, please always refer to this online version.

Technical information and system requirements

Jems is a web application, which can be accessed with recent versions of most common browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox). The functionality of the system follows the common standards of web applications for entering and submitting data.

The English language is pre-defined and cannot be changed; it is the official language of the NPA programme.

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