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1. Registration and roles

As the 1st step, anyone using Jems must create a user account.

Jems portal can be accessed at the following link:

To use Jems, each controller must first register by clicking on “Create a new account” on the homepage and provide a set of credentials.

Complete the registration form in all its parts. Please note the password requirements and that the system generated security code must be entered.

The terms must also be accepted before it is possible to register.

Following the registration, a confirmation e-mail is automatically sent to the e-mail address. Only after clicking on the confirmation link, will you be able to log into Jems.

NOTE: If you do not receive an activation e-mail within a couple of hours, please contact the Jems Helpdesk (, to activate your user manually.

Once logged in, it is possible to edit user profile details or change a password by clicking on the user icon/email address appearing in the top right corner of the screen.

Please access the user profile and tick the box if you wish to receive Jems notifications in your email inbox. Please note some spam filters may be more selective and block such notifications.

1.1  Granting a user controller access rights

Upon registration in Jems, a user has only basic access rights. To be able to perform the controller work in Jems the respective access rights must be assigned.

NOTE: The national controllers should provide information about approved controllers (name, email address) In an e-mail to the MA and Jems (, in order to grant these users the controller access rights.

1.2    Controller role

In the NPA programme the following two different controller roles are applied:

  • National controllers: Coordinates, create institutions and assign controllers to each project partner.

  • Controllers: Formerly known as first level controllers (FLC). They  should check the reported partner expenditure and issue a certificate.

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