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Partner report identification

When creating a report you will land automatically on the first tab called Partner report identification.

In this section you can follow the progress of the report status through the verification process.

Please complete the information in this section following the instructions below.

1 - Reporting period

Select from the drop-down menu, the relevant reporting period.
Then copy the reporting period start and end date from the Project reporting schedule in the Contracting section.

In case the dates in the report do not correspond to the dates in the reporting schedule, the partner report will not be accepted.

2 -Summary of partner’s work

In this section it is possible to give a concise description of your organisation’s contribution to the activities, outputs and deliverables delivered in this reporting period. The description should be coherent with the activities and expenses listed in other parts of this Partner Report.

3 - Partner problems and deviations

In this section it is possible to give a concise description and justification of any problems and deviations including delays from the work plan presented in the application form and the solutions found. It is possible to use this section to indicate the need for minor changes.

4 - Target groups

In this section we would like to capture how the target group was involved in the project activities during this period, and if underrepresented groups were reached.

The Lead Partner will use this information to report on target groups reached by the project on an aggregated level. You may indicate the number reached by your organisation. Please give whole numbers only.

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